Today is Tuesday, which means another top ten list. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by
The Broke and the Bookish—if you think you'd like to write up your own list, head on over!
Today's topic: Top ten books I wish I'd read as a kid.
Little Women
by Louisa May Alcott: I mentioned this in my top ten books I can't believe I've never read list, BUT it's not for lack of trying. I've attempted it twice, and
just couldn't get through it. I got it for free on my nook, so maybe it will give me a reason to try again. It's just something I wish I already finished.
by Roald Dahl: This is definitely something I wish I'd read when I first wanted to read it back in fourth grade. I was enchanted by the cover when I passed it in the library at school, but I never went in and checked it out. I read it this past summer and I'm very glad I did, but I think it would have meant more if I were younger.
Bridge to Terabithia
by Katherine Paterson: I spoke with an elementary teacher at B&N one day who was surprised that I had never read this and proceeded to tell me that I NEEDED TO READ THIS IT'S AMAZING AAHHHH. So I bought it and it's still sitting on my shelf. I feel like I missed out on something.
Julie of the Wolves
by Jean Craighead George and its sequels: I feel like I would have loved these when I was younger. I recently read the first one and did; it's right up my alley of settings and people and plot, sort of like Scott O'Dell (who I LOVE).
Sing Down the Moon
by Scott O'Dell: Speaking of Scott O'Dell, this is one I never got around to reading—in a burst of frugality, I didn't buy it when I saw it for a dollar (I was younger, mind you) and to punish myself I refused to buy it for more than that. Luckily I found it at a used book sale for 50 cents and I now have it waiting for me in my bookcase.
The Dark is Rising
sequence by Susan Cooper: This is another series that I know I would have loved when I was younger, since I was into the fantasy stuff like that, especially when it's mixed up with mythology. I've read all but the last one now.
Harriet the Spy
by Louise Fitzhugh: I feel like everyone has read this and it's a classic that I should read as soon as possible. Especially if I want to be a youth services librarian.
Charlotte's Web
by E.B. White: I know, I know. This was also on my "can't believe I've never read it" list. I bought a copy and I have it, and I intend to read it, but I wish I had done that when I was a child to appreciate it with a child's eyes.
9. The Ramona Quimby books. Seriously, they are hilarious. I wish I had read Beverly Cleary's stuff when I was little.
10. Anything by Judy Blume. I feel like I totally missed out on important parts of childhood by skipping these. I had to learn about my period from those videos they showed us in health class—imagine!
Anything on here ring a bell? Or do you have a completely different list?
I think the Ramona books were some of the first books I ever really read on my own. Good times :o)
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't blame you for not being able to get through Little Women - I read it for the first time last year and didn't enjoy it. Might have more if I'd been able to read it as a little girl!
I still haven't read Little Women either. And yes, you should definitely read Harriet the Spy!
ReplyDeleteBridge to Teribithia is good, but if you stare at the synopsis for more than two minutes is way too easy to figure out the ending.
Matilda is an excellent choice. I read other books by Dahl as a kid, but not that one for some reason.
ReplyDeleteSo many on your list I haven't read at all! This week is really making me see how little I've read in the way of children's literature!
ReplyDeleteGood ones. I obsessively loved Harriet the Spy when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel any better, I know someone who says Bridge to Terabithia was one of the most disappointing reads of her life. So you might not be missing out on anything too big. ;-)
Coincidentally, I thought the same thing about Harriet the Spy! =P I like a much newer series obviously inspired by Harriet--Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator--much more.
I guess one reader's treasure is another reader's "meh."
But since I don't want to be such a wet blanket now, let me say that The Dark is Rising made it on my list, too. What a great Fantasy series! I really wish I had started it earlier. =D
And who doesn't love Scott O'Dell???
You've never read Charlotte's Web?!? That is a crime. You must read it. ASAP. I haven't read it recently but when I was a kid I LOVED it and reread it multiple times.
ReplyDeleteMatilda was one of my favorite books when I was little! I keep seeing it showing up on people's lists, I almost want to pick it up again. Nice list
ReplyDeleteOMG some of my favorites on your list-- Ramona, Charlotte's Web, Matilda!! AHh I want to read them all. I think our generation had such great children' lit!! :)
ReplyDeleteI thought about including Bridge to Terebithia. But I never really wanted to read it and still kinda dont feel bad that I never did.
ReplyDeleteAs a retired bookseller, I've got to say it's important to remember that BOOKS ARE NOT GUILT! If you're going into the book trade in any field, you must understand there's a book for everyone but not every book is for everyone. Be glad for the books you've grown to love. I'd quote the Reader's Book Of Rights here. (Google it, eh?) which includes the right NOT to love or even finish (or even start) those books labeled classics. There's lots of reasons NOT to read Little Women, (I have nearly finished the writing of a chick lit novel explaining why). I love all your comments. There is such HOPE in literate young women reading everything they can get their hands on. I'm going to go get The Dark Is Rising but feel no GUILT in having not read it before. Life's too short to think like that. I am just grateful that there are so many great reads around I haven't gotten to yet. Rose DeShaw (yes, I have a blog (Slices of Now), am a big fan of Chick Lit and occasionally review books on a scattershot basis. Rose DeShaw
ReplyDeleteRose: Thank you! It's great to hear everything you just said. I don't REALLY feel guilty, I just kind of wish I have read it so I know what people talk about when they talk about Little Women haha. Thanks for the great comment!